That means being there for your spouse when they need you, cheering them on when they are trying to accomplish something and also giving them the attention they need to do well in their lives. When you are married, you should be focused on both people involved in the relationship. But if you notice that your wife is suddenly only worried about herself, it could be a bad thing. Although you are a partnership, you are still two different individuals who need time to worry about themselves. Of course you want your wife to focus on her life and her career. Sex tends to stop when the emotional bond does. Having kids may put a damper on things for awhile, but if you notice that intercourse, cuddles or kissing stops altogether, it may be because your wife is no longer in love with you. Happy married couples even have sex into their eighties and nineties, if their health allows them to do so! Contrary to prior belief, sex doesn’t stop when you get married.

Otherwise you would essentially be in a relationship with a very good friend, instead of a lover. They are both important, but physical connection is almost more important. Intimacy is the glue that holds a marriage together, right next to communication. Does the sound of you just chewing or breathing annoy her? Does she suddenly hate the way you say something or do something, that she didn’t previously mind? That’s not very common in a healthy, happy relationship. Women tend to be more vocal than men when something is bothering them, so if she doesn’t love or like you, she might start acting frustrated with everything you are doing. Maybe if they do something that really irks you, but if you notice that she’s suddenly irritated with you constantly it could mean that she isn’t enjoying your presence. When you love someone, you don’t typically act hostile towards them all the time.

It could mean that she is mad at you, but if you can’t identify any problems and she continues to do it, it could mean she doesn’t have interest in talking with you anymore. So, if your wife suddenly goes dead silent, be worried. There seems to always be something on their minds. Women are more talkative than men and they don’t usually disappoint when it comes to keeping the conversation alive. However, when dinner and dates start becoming silent, it could be deadly to your relationship. You can’t always be chatting with each other, especially if you have been together for a long time. If you notice that your wife is suddenly assigning bills in her name only, you might want to consider that she doesn’t love you any longer. Those are both bad signals that tell you she doesn’t plan on sticking around to take responsibility for those things together, with you. That means to look out for the times she doesn’t want to purchase a new couch with you or that she doesn’t feel comfortable getting a new pet with you. One of the most brutal signs that a relationship is failing is when one party decides they no longer want to co-own with their partner any longer. That’s why we have this list of 15 signs that help you identify when your wife doesn’t love you anymore. Brown told Rolling Stone in 2018 that he had been clean from narcotics for 15 years.Now you are probably thinking, ‘ Well, duh! That’s why I’m on the internet searching for answers. Brown regularly performs with a reunited New Edition and is reportedly working on a new solo album. According to the medical examiner, cannabis and alcohol were found in her system, along with prescription medication for anxiety/and or depression, and the underlying cause of death listed as “immersion associated with drug intoxication.”īrown married Alicia Etheridge in 2012 and the couple has three children together. Bobbie Kristina died in hospice care six months later on July 26 at age 22. Still breathing, doctors placed her in a medically-induced coma. In much-publicized circumstances similar to her mother’s passing, Bobbi Kristina was discovered unconscious in a bathtub at her Georgia home in 2015. A report issued by the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office stated the official cause of death was an accidental drowning, with heart disease and cocaine in her system contributing factors.

Houston died at the age of 48 on February 11, 2012, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel where she was found dead in a bathtub.